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AART-Vrå Public School aart.dk/en/projects/vra-public-school Vrå Public School Vrå Public School paves the way for new approaches to stimulating the ability and desire of children to learn by incorporating learning and landscape into one, giving children the opportunity to play and learn in a complete ecosystem that changes over tim aart.dk The proposal is based on a groundbreaking idea that envisages turning the fore.. 2020. 10. 28.
Food and the City issuu.com/jessminebath/docs/foodandthecity_jessmine_bath Food and the City This thesis aims to re-evaluate current food systems, understanding the history of our now prevalent import culture and striving to navigate towards a city life intertwined with food production. With this re-connection between food production and human set issuu.com Food and the City Published on Jul 16, 2020 This thesis .. 2020. 10. 27.
Architecture for food issuu.com/vanbergenkolpaarchitecten/docs/architecture_for_food Architecture for food Van Bergen Kolpa Architects and Wageningen University and Research are jointly active in shaping the relationship between food and the spatial environment. Architecture for Food Magazine shows the projects, essays and investigations in and around the city. issuu.com 2020. 10. 25.
Architecture for food issuu.com/vanbergenkolpaarchitecten/docs/architecture_for_food Architecture for food Van Bergen Kolpa Architects and Wageningen University and Research are jointly active in shaping the relationship between food and the spatial environment. Architecture for Food Magazine shows the projects, essays and investigations in and around the city. issuu.com 2020. 10. 25.
알레한드로 아라베나-리젠 빌리지 지나친 도시화와 개발로 정형화된 세계에 맞서기 위해 자연과의 유대감을 더욱 공고히 한 건축 사례를 소개한다. 최신 기술로 재현하는 미래의 주택 모델, 공공의 이익과 가치에 기반을 둔 건축의 재생, 그리고 인간과 자연의 끊임없는 커넥션이 핵심 키워드다. mdesign.designhouse.co.kr/article/article_view/102/74482 자연으로 자급자족하는 지역 커뮤니티, 리젠 빌리지 자연을 도시에 들이는 건축의 미래 mdesign.designhouse.co.kr Review This project is similar with one of my uni-project. I think that sort of space would be nessesary in the future, as the .. 2020. 10. 18.
Boeri Studio - "Bosco Verticale" Architects: Boeri Studio Year: 2014 The concept behind the Vertical Forest, that of being a “home for trees that also houses humans and birds”, defines not only the urban and technological characteristics of the project but also the architectural language and its expressive qualities. On a formal level, the towers are mainly characterized by large, staggered and overhanging balconies (each about.. 2020. 7. 23.