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Valencia- FRAN SILVESTRE ARQUITECTOS fransilvestrearquitectos.com/en/ FRAN SILVESTRE ARQUITECTOS™ | Architects Spain Architects Spain. FRAN SILVESTRE ARQUITECTOS™, multidisciplinary practice of architecture, interior design and design in Spain. fransilvestrearquitectos.com 스페인에 위치한 Fran Silvestre Arquitectos는 Valencia라는 건축가가 메인으로 활동하고 있으며 사이트에서 살펴볼수있는 건축물들은 대부분 흰색의 건축물이고 주변환경(채광,그림자,풍경등)을 고려한 디자인을 하고 있었다. 주변환경을 고려한 디자인을 참고할때 봐두면 좋을 듯 2020. 10. 5.
LLPS Architect - "Gran Canary Arena" PALACIO MULTIUSOS. GRAN CANARIA ARENALas Palmas de Gran Canaria / 2002-2014Concurso internacional / 1º PREMIOXIII BEAU 2016/ OBRA PREMIADAX BIAU 2016 / OBRA SELECCIONADAInstalación deportiva / Obra terminada / 56.000 m2 LLPS Architects presents the Gran Canary Arena. The project establishes in the environment a building-object that faces up to the urban landscape, invading it and, in the same ti.. 2020. 7. 31.
Atelier Chang-"Vault House" Walking past a forest, one reaches a house made of three tall barrel vaults. The double-story facade at the entrance reflects a peaceful landscape like a mirror. From the concept phase, Atelier Chang took the approach to start designing from inside - the interior experience in a way determining the overall architectural expression of this project. In reminiscence of Louis Kahn who said, “Archite.. 2020. 7. 20.