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Project1-"Victorian-Venetian water tower"

by EZIHI 2020. 10. 7.



An 1877 water tower in London transformed into a luxury home

While most people prefer the usual types of homes such as apartments or private residences, some people enjoy more untraditional options. For example, one


The tower is located in north-western London, England, UK and was originally built in 1877 by Fowler and Hill, as part of Lambeth Workhouse and Infirmary, latterly Lambeth Hospital. It was a 99 foot tall structure with 5 foot thick walls and with a large steel water tank at the top. When it was listed in 2008, the tower was not in its best condition. It needed to be restored and renovated and not many people showed interest in it. The couple that bought it had this unusual idea of transforming it into a private home.






Water Tower Turned London Residence

With all the converted spaces of today, this London residence, a former water tower, is a pretty exciting one to share!






최근 전세계적으로 환경적인 문제로 도시재생사업에 관심을 갖고 지역재생 사업을 많이 하고 있다. 한국에서는 특히 서울에서 활발한 도시재생 사업이 시행되고 있는데 Water Tower의 변화된 사례를 보니 우리나라의 사례가 궁굼해져 찾아볼 예정이다. 역사가 담긴 건축물의 모던한 디자인이 결합되어져 옛것과 현대 그 중간 어딘가에 있는 듯한 느낌이 독특한 분위기를 자아낸다.